Service Recovery: Turning Missteps into Opportunities

Service recovery refers to the action taken by a service provider to address a customer complaint regarding a perceived service failure (Grönroos, 1988)

No matter how well-prepared a company is to create a customer-centric environment, customer dissatisfaction can still occur. This is inevitable because every customer has unique preferences. Service failures may not always be the direct fault of the company. Sometimes, a customer’s preferences can be so specific that the company cannot fully satisfy them, at least not initially. This does not mean the company should not make an effort try.

A personal example illustrates this point: a few years ago, I decided to exclusively consume whole-grain products, avoiding refined flour. This dietary choice made it challenging to find suitable options in many restaurants, as my preferences were not the mainstream norm. No, I am not gluten intolerant and it is not a medical choice I made. Rather a lifestyle decision.

Dining in most restaurants left me unsatisfied because the menu had no whole-grain product offerings. It’s amazing the quantity of flour-based products offered in restaurants.

However, my story is about how one restaurant turned my disappointment into die-hard loyalty. After hearing my friend’s glowing reviews of a restaurant’s Panini, I decided to try it. Unfortunately, I couldn’t order the Panini due to my self-imposed dietary restriction. The restaurant used white refined flour for their Panini, which didn’t align with my whole-grain preference.

Undeterred, I attempted to discuss alternative options with the waiter, but to no avail. The owner/manager overheard our conversation and intervened. He generously offered to purchase a 100% whole-grain bread roll from a nearby bakery to make my Panini. I was ecstatic!

Bread sourced, and my customised Panini served, the restaurant had lived up to my friend’s praise. Delighted at the restaurant’s willingness to accommodate my request, I willingly paid for the Panini and the remainder of the whole-grain bread.

The restaurant’s willingness to go above and beyond was enough to win me over. The owner/manager even allowed me to bring my own whole-grain bread on subsequent visits, offering to substitute it for any bread items on their menu. I particularly adore their French Toast.

This restaurant, Barista & Co., has become my preferred choice in Nairobi’s Sarit Centre mall. I wouldn’t dream of dining elsewhere at the mall, because they transformed my initial disappointment into a delightful experience.

Price isn’t always the deciding factor; a memorable experience can turn a customer into an ambassador. This transformation occurs when a customer feels a company has gone the extra mile. It makes the customer feel special, creating a lasting impression that encourages repeat business.

Mistakes will happen, even with the best efforts a company cannot please every customer every time. When customers are dissatisfied, regardless of the reason, a well-structured recovery process is necessary for customer retention. This is particularly true when the dissatisfaction is due to a customer’s unusual preferences.

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